Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > A Companion Presence


Going While Not Leaving Home

A Companion Presence

Aug 14, 2021

One companions us, even when we do not acknowledge it. ... Whatever we name it, it is, and we are, for it is.

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I have lived at over thirty addresses - primarily due to educational opportunities and work. Yet, when a child, I was introduced to a place - Person, Presence - without an address. Wherever I have lived, this nonlocal, unseen Companion has been there. If I leave this Presence - and I have many times - I can return in a moment. I am welcomed back with no censure, in a total embrace of love. This placeless place is a wonderful, patient friend. It is given many names, but it is One. It lives in the heart; it is the Heart of everything and everyone.

One companions us, even when we do not acknowledge it. We can call it Grace. Whatever we name it, it is, and we are, for it is. We can deny it, but it does not deny us. We can betray it, but it does not betray us. Even when we leave it, it is there. When turning from it, we turn to it. So, there is no escape - thankfully!

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The Sage entered the gathering. For the evening talk, he asked a question: Are you where you are?

This may sound like a silly question, but... How often are we walking about asleep, not awake to where we are? How often do we listen - apparently - to someone, thinking of what we want to say next? How often are we in the past or future, not here-and-now? How often are we caught in a storyline in the brain, and we are missing what is right before and all around us? Can we learn to stay home?

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She complained to the Sage of restlessness.

"What can I do to find inner peace?"

"Stay home."

"What? I have places I must go."

"Good, go, but stay home."

* * *

Living from spirit
always home
not a place on a map
not a building with an address

never away from home
home goes with you

Home can go
for home is

In a mansion
you can be homeless
on the street
you can be home

How to know
when home
when not -

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*© Brian K. Wilcox, 2021

*Stories of the Sage from Brian K. Wilcox. Meetings with an Anonymous Sage.

*Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major online booksellers or the publisher AuthorHouse. The book consists of poems based on wisdom traditions, predominantly Christian, Buddhist, and Sufi, with extensive notes on the poetry's teachings and imagery.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > A Companion Presence

©Brian Wilcox 2024